Case Studies
The Managing by Network Case Study Program has been part of Managing by Network since 2009.
Federal employees have the opportunity to speak to a success, failure, challenge, opportunity, work-in-progress or vision relative to their work in partnerships and community collaboration.
Our Case showcases the work of federal agencies with more than 500 partner organizations: nonprofits; cooperating associations; local, state and other federal agencies; businesses; universities; museums; local schools; international organizations; and professional alliances. Study Catalog
More than 220 presentations provide models of informal and formal partnerships; of community collaboration with a range of stakeholders; of site-based conservation efforts and landscape-scale alliances.
Case Studies by Year
Kayla Blades, BLM, Grants Management Specialist, Idaho State Office, ID. What is the FASS-ination? An Appreciative Inquiry Approach.
Linda Naoi Goetz, BLM, Archaeologist, Interior Region 7, Upper Colorado Basin, WY. Kemmerer Historic Preservation Commission: Creating a Legacy for the Future.
Chris Otahal, BLM, Wildlife Biologist, Barstow Field Office, CA. Amargosa. Vole Recovery Team Partnership
- Jesse Engebretson, EPA, Social Science Researcher, Office of Research and Development, Great Lakes Toxicology and Ecology Division, MN. Unsheltered Homelessness in Parks and Protected Are as in Northern California
- Liz Smith-Incer, NPS, RTCA Field Office Director for Mississippi and Puerto Rico, MS. Africatown Connections Blueway: Healing Begins by Reclaiming Our Heritage & Happiness
- Andrea Carson, USACE, Small Programs Planner, Regional Environmental Justice Coordinator, CPCX Division Liaison and Regional Silver Jackets Coordinator, Great Lakes & Ohio Division, PA. Making the Connections: Aligning Internally to Partner Externally.
USDA Forest Service
- Danielle Bauman-Epstein, USDA FS, Program Specialist - Grants and Agreements, Six Rivers National Forest, CA. Youth Workforce Development: Two Tribal Partnerships
- Shanna KleinMature and Old-Growth Forests: Partnerships for Success. smith, USDA FS, Writer-Editor, National Forest System, Policy Office, ID.
- Dessa Dale, USDA FS, Public Engagement Specialist, Mountain Planning Services Group, Regions 1 - 4, MT. Developing a Framework of Support around Partnerships and Relationships for Land Management Planning.
- John Langdon, USDA FS, Partnership Coordinator, Uwharrie & Croatan National Forests, NC. Croatan Fireshed Partnership
- Lacey Hill Kastern, USFWS, Western Lake Superior Coastal Program Biologist, Region 3 Ecological Services, WI. Lake Superior Collaborative: Enhancing a Partnership in the Wisconsin Lake Superior Basin.
- Lauren Miller, USFWS, Social Scientist, R8 Science Applications, NV. Establishing a Climate Network.
John Langdon, USDA FS, Partnership Coordinator, Uwharrie & Croatan National Forests, NC. Croatan Fireshed Partnership.
Matthew Fockler, Socioeconomic Specialist, Great Basin Zone (NV, ID, UT), Reno, NV. Two Mississippi: A Case Study in Private / Public Collaboration
Heather Coleman, Deep Sea Coral Research and Technology Program Manager, Office of Habitat Conservation, NOAA Fisheries, Silver Spring, MD. EXPRESS: EXpanding Pacific Research and Exploration of Submerged Systems (PDF). Resources: EXPRESS website
Laura Rear McLaughlin, Chief, Stakeholder Services Branch, NOAA/Center for Operational Oceanographic Products and Services, Silver Spring, MD. An Evolution of Water Level Partnerships at NOAA Center for Operational Oceanographic Products and Services (CO-OPS)
Leslie Wolf, NOAA (MbN Class of 2016), Hydrologist, California Coastal Office, West Coast Region, CA; Mary Burke, North Coast Regional Manager, CalTrout. Strong Collaborative Process - A Case Study: The Redwood Creek Estuary Collaborative
Teresa Tucker, Planning & Compliance Lead (Environmental Protection Specialist), Mount Rainier National Park, Ashford, WA. Engaging the Public in Planning: Fryingpan Creek Bridge Replacement Project; Mount Rainier National Park: Nisqually to Paradise Draft Corridor Management Plan (ArcGIS Storymaps)
Connie Chan-Le, Park Ranger, USACE-Los Angeles District, South El Monte, CA and Henry Csaposs, Park Ranger, Los Angeles District, South El Monte, CA. A Second Chance in the Desert: Building partnerships and solutions at Mojave River Dam
Daniel Meden, Biologist, St Paul District (Regional Planning and Environmental Division North), USACE Bettendorf, IA. Iowa River Sustainable Rivers Program
- Philomena West, Assistant Deputy Area Budget Coordinator, Washington Office Research and Development, Fort Washington, MD. A View from the WO: Forest Service Cross Deputy Area Projects (CDAPs) and What It’s Like Working for a National Office
Jo Anna Lutmerding, Biologist, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Headquarters, Migratory Bird Program, Falls Church, VA. Artificial Lighting at Night: What it means for bird conservation and navigating a path forward
Margaret Rheude, Wildlife Biologist, Midwest Regional Office - Migratory Birds, Bloomington, MN. Urban Chimney Swift Conservation: Non-randomizing our acts of conservation
Wayne Nelson-Stastny, Missouri River Recovery Project Leader, Missouri River Coordination Office, Yankton, SD. The Missouri River: A River of Connections, A River of Change .
- Marina Tomer, Research Coordinator, South Central Climate Adaptation Science Center, Norman, OK. Leveraging Partnerships to Close the Science-Usability Gap.
Matthew (Matt) Fockler, Socioeconomic Specialist, Great Basin Zone (NV, ID, UT), Reno, NVMatthew (Matt) Fockler, Socioeconomic Specialist, Great Basin Zone (NV, ID, UT), Reno, NV -
- Nina Hemphill, Aquatic Habitat Management Program Lead, California State Office. Water Quality and Fisheries - Working with Tribes.
Judith Downing, Emergency Management Specialist, Public Information Officer, National Headquarters, Fire and Aviation Management, National Incident Management Organization, CA. Community Wildfire Liaison Programs: What Makes Them Successful.
Max Forgensi, Lands and Minerals Program Manager, Pike-San Isabel National Forests & Cimarron and Comanche National Grasslands, CO. Long-term sustainable management for high-use recreation areas.
Reid Armstrong, Public Affairs Specialist, Arapaho and Roosevelt National Forest and Pawnee National Grassland, CO. Sparking a R/Evolution in Information Delivery
- Tracy Schwartz, Historian, Portland District, OR. Willamette Falls Locks Transfer and Section 106 Consultation
Sarah Gray, Program Assistant, Portland-Vancouver Urban Refuge Program, OR. Nurturing Diversity and Increasing Trust through Youth Employment
Sergio Pierluissi, Regional Partners for Fish and Wildlife Coordinator, Midwest Regional Office, MN. Path to the Uplands Partnership
Sean Vogt, Lahontan Cutthroat Trout Recovery Coordinator, Ecological Services Office, NV. Modernizing Recovery Efforts of Lahontan Cutthroat Trout
Charles Cuvelier, Superintendent, George Washington Memorial Parkway, VA. Evolution of a Partnership
- Jennifer Moore, Coral Recovery Coordinator, NMFS Southeast Regional Office, FL. Mission: Iconic Reefs
Krystyna Bednarczyk, Environmental Policy Advisor, Office of Environment & Energy, Environmental Policy Division
- Karen Nelson, Office of Science Quality and Integrity (OSQI); Youth and Education in Science (YES) office. WI. Growing our Practice: Inward and Outward Journeys
Session 13Nina HemphillAquatic Habitat Management Program LeadCalifornia State OfficeBLMJudith DowningEmergency Management Specialist, Public Information OfficerNational Headquarters, Fire and Aviation Management, National Incident Management OrganizationUSDA FSTracy SchwartzHistorianPortland DistrictUSACESarah GrayProgram AssistantPortland-Vancouver Urban Refuge ProgramUSFWSSession 15Charles CuvelierSuperintendentGeorge Washington Memorial ParkwayNPSJennifer MooreCoral Recovery CoordinatorNMFS Southeast Regional OfficeNOAA SERMax ForgensiLands and Minerals Program ManagerPike-San Isabel National Forests & Cimarron and Comanche National GrasslandsUSDA FSLorelei HauknessRecreation Program ManagerColumbia River Gorge National Scenic AreaUSDA FSSession 17Sergio PierluissiRegional Partners for Fish and Wildlife CoordinatorMidwest Regional OfficeUSFWSKatherine (Reid) ArmstrongPublic Affairs SpecialistArapaho and Roosevelt National Forest and Pawnee National GrasslandUSDA FSKrystyna BednarczykEnvironmental Policy AdvisorOffice of Environment & Energy, Environmental Policy DivisionFAAAline MorrowFish and Wildlife BiologistPartners for Fish and Wildlife ProgramUSFWS -
- Marcia deChadenedes, BLM, Collaborative Action & Dispute Resolution (CADR) Program Lead, HQ-210: Division of Decision Support, Planning, and NEPA, CO. San Juan Islands Terrestrial Managers Group
Gorge Refuge Stewards
- Jared Strawderman, Gorge Refuge Stewards, Stewardship & Community Engagement Coordinator, Ridgefield National Wildlife Refuge Complex Stevenson, WA & Sarah Williams Brown, USFWS, Community Engagement Specialist, Portland-Vancouver National Wildlife Refuges, Ridgefield, WA. Urban Wildlife Conservation Program: Conserving the future with communities and partners in the Portland-Vancouver Metro area
- Ali Weber-Stover, NOAA WCR, Natural Resources Management Specialist, California Coastal Office, Santa Rosa, CA. Bay Restoration Regulatory Integration Team (BRRIT): Facilitating multi-benefit restoration projects in the San Francisco Bay through enhanced collaboration. With Valary Bloom, USFWS Senior Fish and Wildlife Biologist, San Francisco Bay Delta Fish and Wildlife Office, Sacramento, CA
Kola Garber, NOAA Sea Grant, Deputy Director & Acting Assistant Director for Partnerships, NOAA National Sea Grant College Program Silver Spring, MD.Kola Garber, NOAA Sea Grant, Deputy Director & Acting Assistant Director for Partnerships, NOAA National Sea Grant College Program, Silver Spring, MD. National Sea Grant College Program Partnerships.
- Brian Rast, USACE, Lead Silver Jackets Coordinator, Project Manager, Kansas City District, Planning Branch, Kansas City, MO. Partnerships and the Infinite Game of Flood Risk Management.
- Katie Noland, USACE, Social Scientist, Levee Safety Center Risk Communication Team, Washington, DC. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Partnership Pains and Gains Developing the Levee Safety Program Guidance
- Betsy Koncerak, USDA FS, Grants Management Specialist, Pacific Northwest Region, Malheur National Forest, John Day, OR. A Peek Into the Life of a Grants Management Specialist.
- Donna Mattson, USDA FS, Partnerships Team Supervisor, Washington Office, Enterprise Program, Elgin, OR. Dynamic Approach to Sustainable Recreation Strategy Development.
- Kelsey McNicholas, USDA FS, Partnerships and Community Development Coordinator, Chattahoochee-Oconee National Forest, Gainesville, GA. Restoring Ourselves Restoring Our Lands: Empowering Educators to Examine Our Role in Equitable Access to Public Lands
- Leslie Hay, USDA FS, Southwestern Region Wildlife Program Leader, Southwestern Region, Regional Office, Albuquerque, NM. Jaguar Conservation and Partnerships: One Goal, Many Roads.
- Valary Bloom, USFWS Senior Fish and Wildlife Biologist, San Francisco Bay Delta Fish and Wildlife Office, Sacramento, CA. Facilitating multi-benefit restoration projects in the San Francisco Bay through enhanced collaboration. With Ali Weber-Stover, NOAA WCR, Natural Resources Management Specialist, California Coastal Office, Santa Rosa, CA.
- Jess Collier, USFWS, Fish Biologist, Green Bay Fish & Wildlife Conservation Office, New Franken, WI. Great Lakes Basin Road-Stream Crossing Inventory.
- Jared Strawderman, Gorge Refuge Stewards, Stewardship & Community Engagement Coordinator, Ridgefield National Wildlife Refuge Complex Stevenson, WA & Sarah Williams Brown, USFWS, Community Engagement Specialist, Portland-Vancouver National Wildlife Refuges, Ridgefield, WA. Urban Wildlife Conservation Program: Conserving the future with communities and partners in the Portland-Vancouver Metro area
Vermont Agency for Natural Resources
- Kathryn Wrigley, VT ANR, Forest Recreation Specialist, Forestry Division, State Lands Program, Essex Junction, VT. Leveraging Partnerships to Help Manage Backcountry Site Hazard Trees.
- Tye Morgan, BLM, Planner and Environmental Specialist, Medford Field Office-Ashland Resource Area, Medford, OR. Virtual Public Meetings: A Prequel Case Study
- Emily Donovan, Park Ranger, Lowell National Historical Park, Lowell, MA. Community Engagement and Collaboration for Exhibit Planning at Lowell National Historical Park
- Jennifer Day, Regional Coordinator, Great Lakes Regional Collaboration Team, Ann Arbor, MI.Government Collaboration: Building Collaboration for One NOAA Internally to Facilitate One NOAA Externally
- Evan Sawyer, Drought Coordinator (Natural Resource Management Specialist) NOAA Fisheries, West Coast Region, California Central Valley Office, Sacramento, CA. Sacramento River Science Partnership: Partnering to develop a shared understanding
- Alicia King, Public Affairs and Partnership Staff Officer, Chugach National Forest, Anchorage, AK. Partnership Engagement in Inclusion & Diversity Festival Planning
- Ricardo Lopez, Forest Engineer, Angeles National Forest, Arcadia, CA. Angeles National Forest Collaborative Transit to Trails
- Elizabeth (Liz) Munding, NEPA Planner, Coconino National Forest, Red Rock Ranger District, Sedona, AZ. Oak Creek Watershed Restoration Project: Pullouts, Protection and the Public.
- Lisa Shores, Management Analyst, Office of Regulatory and Management Services; Directives and Regulations, Washington, DC. Embracing Obligation & Increasing Opportunity
USFWS- Kevin Kalasz, Fish and Wildlife Biologist/Coastal Program Coordinator, South Florida/Everglades, South Florida Ecological Services Field Office, Big Pine Key, FL. Pine Rockland Conservation Business Plan: It Takes a Community.
Mary (MJ) Byrne, Special Assistant to State Director for RAC, Partnerships, Ed. & Interp., Youth, Volunteering, Idaho State Office, ID. Turning Relationships into Partnerships (including Every Kid Outdoors and Hands on the Land / Teachers on the Land)
Katy Kuhnel, Outdoor Recreation Planner, Challis Field Office, Idaho State BLM, ID. Making Community Connections
- Ally Lane, Fish Biologist, West Coast Region, CA, Bridging Data Gaps Through Interagency Coordination
Karl Honkonen, Watershed Forester, Northeast Area/State & Private Forestry, NH. Saco Watershed Collaborative
Rachel Neuenfeldt, Partnership and Community Engagement Specialist, Wayne National Forest, OH, Forest Plan Revision Through Partnerships
Jeanne Stevens, Tribal Relations Specialist, Coconino National Forest, AZ, Springs Monitoring & Restoration Initiative
- Leigh Goldberg, Scholar-in-Residence, One Tam Case Studies
- Caroline Kilbane, Outdoor Recreation Planner, AZ, Lake Havasu Shoreline Sites
Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission
- Sarah Barrett, Biological Scientist IV and Brie Ochoa, Species Conservation Planning Biologist III, FL, Management Plan Development in the Sunshine
Marin County Parks
- Kevin Wright, Government and External Affairs Coordinator, CA, Yard Smart Marin: Think Before You Spray
- Rebecca Ingram, Social Research Associate, Pacific Islands Fisheries Science Center, HI, Building a Network of Partnerships to Support NOAA’s Integrated Ecosystem Assessment
- Mary Biggs, Resource Assistants Program Liaison, WO, DC, Strengthening Partnerships. Creating Opportunities. The USDA Forest Service Resource Assistants Program
- Debra-Ann Brabazon, USFS, Forest Fire Prevention Education Officer/Fire Information, MI, Engaging Youth: Lessons Learned Along the Path of Growing Relationships
- Coeli Hoover, Research Ecologist, NH, Cat Herding: A Tale of Two Documents
- Dawn McCarthy, Recreation Team Leader, OH, The Baileys Mountain Bike Trail System: Improving Communities Through a Collaborative Vision
- Brooke Burrows, Wildlife Refuge Specialist, MN, Minnesota Valley Trust and the Minnesota Valley National Wildlife Refuge & Wetland Management
- Laurie Fairchild, Private Lands Biologist, MN, What to Do When You're Stuck: One Approach to Reimagine and Reconnect Resource Accomplishments with Realities on the Ground
- Todd Jones-Farrand, Science Coordinator, LCC, MO, The Rise and Fall of a Landscape Conservation Cooperative: Lesson for Large-Scale Collaborative Efforts
- Lisa Van Alstyne, Chief, WSFR Policy Branch (F&W Administrator), VA, When a Good Idea Goes Bad: Taking a Risk on an Alternative Approach in WSFR
- Edd (Sherman) Franz, Outdoor Recreation Planner, CO, Community Collaboration: Bureau of Land Management Recreation Program
- Anne Mullan, Endangered Species Biologist, OR, Gravel Mining and ESA Salmonid Recovery: Collaboration in the Willamette River
NPS/Greater Yellowstone Coordinating Committee
- David Diamond, Executive Coordinator, Greater Yellowstone Coordinating Committee, MT, Greater Yellowstone Coordinating Committee (GYCC): A Case Study of More Than 50 Years of Federal Partnership
Partnership and Community Collaboration Academy
- Leigh Goldberg, Scholar-in-Residence, Tamalpais Lands Collaborative Case Studies
- Mary Reece, Manager, Program Development Division, AZ, New Mexico Unit of the Central Arizona Project: An Arranged Marriage
- Dave Cunningham, Partnership Specialist, MT, Friends of the Little Belts
- Danny McBride, USFS, Regional Partnership Coordinator, Intermountain Region 4, UT, Utilizing Partners to Build Partnerships & Capacity
- Erick Stemmerman, Administrative Staff Officer, Olympic National Forest, WA, Storrie Fire Settlement
- Cindy Corsair, Fish and Wildlife Biologist, RI, A Tale of Two Cities: Urban Wildlife Refuge Partnerships in New Haven, CT and Providence, RI
- Heidi Keuler, Fish Habitat Biologist, WI, Fishers and Farmers: Watershed Leaders Network
- Susi von Oettingen, Endangered Species Biologist, NH, Tracking Migrating Roseate Terns: UsingPartners to Find a Needle in a Haystack
Case Study Catalog
2nd Nature: A Partnership with the National Park Service and Latin America Youth Center, Laura Harvey
Laura Harvey NPS Education Specialist National Capital Region Washington, DC 2nd Nature: A Partnership with the National Park Service and Latin America Youth Center
A Delicate Balance Between Multiple Uses: Sheep vs. Sheep, Andrea Jones
Andrea Jones USFS District Ranger Rio Grande National Forest La Jara, Colorado A Delicate Balance Between Multiple Uses: Sheep vs. Sheep
A Peek Into the Life of a Grants Management Specialist, Betsy Koncerak
Betsy Koncerak USDA FS Grants Management Specialist, Pacific Northwest Region (R6) Malheur National Forest Oregon A peek into the life of a Grants Management Specialist.
A Second Chance in the Desert: Building partnerships and solutions at Mojave River Dam, Connie Chan-Le and Henry Csaposs
Connie Chan-Le and Henry Csaposs, USACE, Park Rangers, Los Angeles District, CA. A Second Chance in the Desert: Building partnerships and solutions at Mojave River Dam. (PDF) Connie Chan-Le and Henry Csaposs USACE Park Rangers Los Angeles District California A Second Chance in the Desert:...
A Tale of Two Cities: Urban Wildlife Refuge Partnerships in New Haven, CT and Providence, RI, Cindy Corsair
Cindy Corsair FWS Fish and Wildlife Biologist Southern New England-New York Bight Coastal Program Rhode Island A Tale of Two Cities: Urban Wildlife Refuge Partnerships in New Haven, CT and Providence, RI
A Tale of Two Projects: What I Learned About Collaboration, Matt McCoy
Matt McCoy BLM Assistant Field Manager Four Rivers Field Office, Boise District Boise, Idaho A Tale of Tw o Projects
A View from the WO: Forest Service Cross Deputy Area Projects (CDAPs) and What It’s Like Working for a National Office, Philomena West
Philomena West USDA Forest Service Assistant Deputy Area Budget Coordinator Washington Office Research and Development Maryland A View from the WO: Forest Service Cross Deputy Area Projects (CDAPs) and What It’s Like Working for a National Office
Adapting Project Design to Local Conditions, Mike Johnson
Mike Johnson BLM Zone Social Scientist New Mexico and Arizona State Offices Adapting Project Design to Local Conditions: Learning on the Fly in an Interagency Collaborative Effort
Adventures in FACA: How USFWS Developed Its Voluntary Guidelines for Wind Energy Development, Rachel London
Rachel London USFWS Fish and Wildlife Biologist Ecological Services Arlington, Virginia Adventures in FACA: How USFWS Developed Its Voluntary Guidelines for Wind Energy Development Additional Resources: USFWS Land Based Wind Energy Guidelines
Africatown Connections Blueway: Healing Begins by Reclaiming Our Heritage & Happiness, Liz Smith-Incer
Liz Smith-Incer NPS RTCA Field Office Director for Mississippi and Puerto Rico Mississippi Africatown Connections Blueway: Healing Begins by Reclaiming Our Heritage & Happiness
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