The resources developed and recommended by your peers can be applied to support your own efforts in partnership and community collaboration.
The Competencies
A competency is a group of knowledge, skills, abilities, attitudes and behaviors necessary to successfully complete a given task required by a particular job. Learn m about the 22 partnership and collaboration competencies, as defined by the Office of Personnel Management, which are the foundation for the courses offered by the Academy. ore
Instructional Videos
Use our video library to hone your skills through self-study, or spark partnership discussions during webinars, staff meetings, classroom, or conference sessions. Instructors hail from the BLM, NPS, USFS, USFWS, DOI, and the nonprofit and private sector. Videos were produced by the BLM National Training Center in partnership with the Academy. Videos can be viewed here and on Vimeo.
Recommended Training
This training is recommended by the Academy and our strategic partners. Find opportunities to build your knowledge, skills, and abilities.
Looking for more information? Peer recommended books and articles provide an in-depth look at some of the competencies in partnership and community collaboration.
Case Study Catalog
The Managing by Network Case Study Program gives federal employees the opportunity to speak to a success, failure, opportunity, work-in-progress or vision relative to their work in partnerships and community collaboration. Browse our catalog of more than 160 case studies to learn more about partnerships in action.