Valary Bloom
Valary Bloom has worked for the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service for over 20 years in southern and northern California, focusing primarily on tidal marsh restoration permitting and other recovery efforts for the federally listed species it supports.
In 2019, as a Senior Fish and Wildlife Biologist she became a founding member of the Bay Restoration Regulatory Integration Team (BRRIT), a multi-agency team which aims to create efficiencies in the permitting process for large multi-benefit restoration projects in the nine counties that ring San Francisco Bay.
Valary has worked not only in federal, but also in state and private sectors, all providing crucial experience and partnership perspectives that she draws from today.
She and her husband live in Sacramento with their two teenage sons and two golden retrievers with whom they often escape to the Sierra Nevada mountains or northern California coast for fishing and backpacking.
Valary Bloom
Senior Fish and Wildlife Biologist
Bay Restoration Regulatory Integration Team (BRRIT)
San Francisco Bay- Delta Fish and Wildlife Office
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
Managing by Network Class of 2021