Randy Thoreson

Randy Thoreson retired from his postion as an Outdoor Recreation Planner with the Rivers, Trails and Conservation Assistance (RTCA) program of the National Park Service. He is located in St. Paul, Minnesota and worked for the Midwest Region of NPS, where he was involved in a number of local, regional and national projects and programs. He was also the National NPS creator and lead on the "Getting Seniors Outdoors" initiative and giving local, regional and national presentations on the subject.  

Randy's background is in planning, the environment, and outdoor recreation. In the past, he worked in the Mountain West and Midwest as a Director, Administrator, and Project Manager on a wide variety of projects and programs for local, state and federal government agencies. During his ongoing extensive career, he also owned and operated his own consulting firm and served as a Lead Planner and Project Manager for a large midwest and national Engineering, Architecture and Planning firm,
Immediately prior to joining the RTCA program, Randy was the Coordinator of the Cooperative Management Plan for the NPS, Lower St. Croix National Scenic Riverway. He also was the Basin/Watershed  Coordinator of the  7,000+ square mile area of the St. Croix. 
Randy has extensive collaborative and partnership experiences in working with communities, interest groups, and citizens engaging worthwhile and innovative public involvement methods and planning processes.  
Randy is a 2012 honors graduate of Managing by Network and a Guest Instructor for the Academy. His interests and hobbies include wood carving and whittling, camping in the outdoors (close to rivers and trails, of course) barbershop singing, and classic cars.

Listen to Randy's Spotlight Series Presentation:

Getting Seniors Outdoors

Randy Thoreson

Outdoor Recreation Planner
Rivers, Trails and Conservation Assistance Program

Managing by Network Class of 2012

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