Building a Solid Foundation for Collaborative Efforts

The 4-P Foundation: Purposes, People, Process, and Products The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Forest Service National Collaboration Cadre (Collaboration Cadre) has been invited to work with newly emerging collaborative groups, groups that seem to be losing their effectiveness, and groups that are brought together through a sense of urgency from either natural events or […]

Kūlana Noi‘i (Research Standards)

This guide offers a structure for building and sustaining long-term relationships between communities and researchers. “Getting dirty, physically being there, listening to voices, sitting and working alongside – it’s not always built into people’s schedules in the academic world. But you need to force it and sit and listen to understand the issues.” Hundreds of […]

Urban Wildlife Refuge Program Standards of Excellence (USFWS)

The future success of conservation lies ultimately in our ability to inspire Americans to connect with the outdoors and nature, and to become stewards of the environment. With more than 80% of Americans now living in urban areas, our challenge is to become relevant in their daily lives. Without public awareness and support, our conservation […]

21 Partnership Success Factors

Brian O’Neill’s 21 Partnership Success Factors summarize best practices developed from two decades at Golden Gate National Recreation Area. As the Superintendent of Golden Gate National Recreation Area, Brian O’Neill (1941-2009) and his staff earned a reputation as a model partnership park where partnerships are a way of approaching how best to accomplish the park’s […]

How the Hybrid Workplace Affects Collaborative Practices

Managing by Network Program Evaluation: Briefing Document (Updated January 2024) In the Spring 2023, the Partnership & Community Collaboration Academy, the National Conservation Training Center, and the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service co-hosted an evaluation of “How the Hybrid Workplace Affects Collaborative Practices” for the Managing by Network (MbN) Program. The goal of this evaluation […]

Engaging with Communities in Public Land Stewardship, Bureau of Land Management

A Toolkit for Building and Sustaining Effective BLM Partnerships with Friends Groups (February 2020) Purpose of This Toolkit: Due to the challenges of multiple-use management on public lands, the BLM benefits significantly from a partnership approach. This toolkit seeks to address and clarify partnership issues and needs, encourage partnerships with friends groups, and provide guidance, […]

Partnership Impact Evaluation Guide (2019)

By Leigh Goldberg and Amy Mickel, Ph.D.  The Partnership Impact Model™ includes the 11 Partnership Impacts, Scaling Up Partnership Impact, the Partnership Impact Roadmap, and the 7 Steps of Partnership Impact Evaluation.  The 11 Partnership Impacts is a framework that explicitly highlights the collection of impacts that landscape-scale stewardship partnerships should consider when it comes […]

Collaborating Consciously: the Four Cornerstones

Author: Amy E. Mickel, PhD As we continue to face complex and difficult-to-solve problems at the intersection of society, economy, and environment, the need for collaboration is more pressing than ever. Multi-stakeholder partnerships (MSPs) are touted as promising mechanisms to tackle these challenges; however, despite their promise, not all partnerships are successful in their collaborative […]

Four Network Principles for Collaboration Success

Despite high hopes, hard work, and significant investment, the social sector has experienced countless partnerships that have failed to live up to expectations. How are some collaborations able to achieve spectacular results while others fail spectacularly?  This article identifies a set of four counterintuitive principles that are critical to collaboration success and offers insights for […]