Negotiation Skills for Natural Resource Professionals: Building a Foundation

This online course will help build knowledge and skills required to engage in negotiation processes with a diverse set of stakeholders. Upon completion of this course, participants will be able to: Identify and characterize a natural resource negotiation and compare natural resource negotiation with other types of negotiation. Identify and characterize the different mechanisms available […]
Fostering Public-Private Partnerships in Conservation

Part One: Introduction to 21 Partnership Success Factors and Historic Buildings as Capital Projects Part Two: Infrastructure and Utility Service Providers Capital Projects Part Three: Land and Easement Acquisitions as Capital Projects Part Four: Trust for the National Mall Volunteer and Corporate Partnerships Presenter: Paul Batlan, Financial Analyst, Conservation Partnerships Office of Financial Management, U.S. Department […]
Business Plan

Consider the uses of a business plan to guide day to day and long-term decision making. Discover how a business plan might support strategic conversations with funders and partner organizations. Learn more about the twelve questions funders ask that can be answered by a business plan. Discussion Questions: What are the benefits of the development […]
Cooperative Ecosystem Studies Units (CESU) National Network

CESU Background What if federal agencies who manage natural and cultural resources could tap into a network of scientists, who represent a full spectrum of natural, social, educational and cultural disciplines, to find information in a timely manner that informs management decisions? What if the universities, state and local agencies, nonprofits and businesses had access […]
Water Quality and Fisheries – Working with Tribes

Nina Hemphill, BLM Aquatic Habitat Management Program Lead California State Office
Willamette Falls Locks Transfer and Section 106 Consultation

Tracy Schwartz, USACE Historian Portland District Oregon
Service First Agreements: Interagency Agreement Process

Learn the applications of a Service First Interagency MOU, Master Agreement and 7600B Interagency Agreement. Discover the difference in the roles and responsibilities between a Requesting Agency and a Servicing Agency. Familiarize yourself and your colleagues with commonly used terms for completing a Master Agreement, such as: Indirect Cost Rate/Overhead Assisted Acquisition Treasury Account […]
Philanthropic Foundations

Listen to this video as a podcast. Private foundations contribute to the public good through their time, talent and treasure. But what exactly is a foundation, and how can a government agency work with them? Discussion Questions: What are the three kinds of nonprofits, as designated under the IRS tax code? What distinguishes a private […]
A Peek Into the Life of A Grants Management Specialist

Betsy Koncerak, USDA Forest Service Grants Management Specialist Pacific Northwest Region Malheur National Forest Oregon
Dynamic Approach to Sustainable Recreation Strategy Development

Donna Mattson, USDA Forest Service Partnerships Team Supervisor Washington Office, Enterprise Program Oregon