US Army Corps of Engineers, Collaboration and Public Participation Center of Expertise

The USACE Collaboration and Public Participation Center of Expertise (CPCX) was a response to the growing need for alternative methods of dispute resolution in the management of our nation’s waters.

CPCX is an authoritative source for senior Corps leaders, government agencies, civilian, and international leaders from related industries to study and confer on the tactical application of water resource management and conflict resolution, providing a forum and research facility in response to the needs and concerns mentioned above.

CPCX provides technical assistance to Districts and Divisions on collaborative processes, builds USACE collaborative capacity, publishes reports on environmental conflict resolution and collaborative processes, and manages the USACE’s Collaboration and Public Participation Community of Practice (CPP CoP). CPCX’s work is focused on its four goals of capacity building, direct services, policy support, and innovative processes.

CPCX is the hub for the USACE field offices to find best practices and liaise with world leaders in their respective disciplines. In addition to creating a directory of internal Corps and external collaboration experts, the CPCX is the lead for USACE’s Memorandum of Understanding with the National Center for Environmental Conflict Resolution.