USACE Collaboration and Public Participation Center of Expertise: Training Options
Training Corps personnel in the use of collaborative tools and processes is a fundamental goal of the CPCX. Our programs and materials are designed to explain collaborative approaches to conflict resolution—including interactive computer modeling—and help Corps staff implement them effectively. CPCX updates and improves the content and delivery of USACE conflict resolution and public participation […]
US Army Corps of Engineers, Collaboration and Public Participation Center of Expertise
The USACE Collaboration and Public Participation Center of Expertise (CPCX) was a response to the growing need for alternative methods of dispute resolution in the management of our nation’s waters. CPCX is an authoritative source for senior Corps leaders, government agencies, civilian, and international leaders from related industries to study and confer on the tactical […]
Risk Communication and Public Participation
The course is designed to teach participants to better communicate risk, understand and engage various publics, and learn to use the public participation planning process. This interactive workshop teaches participants strategic communication, risk communication and public participation principles and strategies relevant to any issue. Participants learn how to identify missions, goals and objectives; identify and […]
Strategic Stakeholder Engagement
In this course, students will identify stakeholder needs, conduct environmental analysis, identify stakeholder opportunities which align with USACE capabilities, determine the types of USACE assistance the stakeholder most needs, and create an account plan. This course helps students create account plans that help build and maintain productive partnerships. The course content focuses on stakeholders, their […]
Collaboration and Conflict Transformation in Multiparty Processes
Natural resource professionals involved in multiparty collaborative decision processes face increasingly complex decisions where underlying conflict can undermine their efficacy if unknown or inappropriately addressed. Conflict transformation encompasses managing and resolving conflict by harnessing the energy inherent in conflicts to motivate change and improvement, not only of the decision but also of the institutions and […]
Partnering with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
Partnering with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers: A Guide for Communities, Local Governments, States, Tribes, and Non-Governmental Organizations provides a general introduction to the programs and processes available for non-Federal partners and U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) representatives to work together to address the Nation’s water resources problems. The Guide includes an overview […]
Principles of Risk Communication
A Guide to Communicating with Socially Vulnerable Populations Across the Disaster Lifecycle (April 2020) This document is intended to be used as a high-level guide for advancing risk communication best practices. It synthesizes academic research and available guidance on the topic of hazards and disaster risk communication. It draws from an array of evidence-based recommendations […]
Public Involvement and Team Building in Planning
This course will concentrate on the methods, techniques, and skills that assist Corps of Engineers Civil Works Planning teams with developing a high-functioning team and engaging meaningfully with sponsors, stakeholders and interested parties throughout the life of the study. Participants will learn ways to raise awareness of ongoing studies and efforts, integrate stakeholder values and […]
Iowa River Sustainable Rivers Program
Daniel Meden, USACE Biologist St Paul District (Regional Planning and Environmental Division North) Iowa
A Second Chance in the Desert: Building partnerships and solutions at Mojave River Dam
Connie Chan-Le and Henry Csaposs, USACE Park Rangers Los Angeles District California